Homepage Testimonials


“It is a blessing and a privilege to learn from the best of the best and they are willing and eager to help me and answer any questions I have along the way.”


“I have done the Ancient Healing and the 5R’s so far and I have enjoyed very much the online format it is delivered plus all the in-depth scientific articles which allow you to dive deeper.”

Dr. Liz

“It’s been easy to maneuver, it’s a lot of content and yet easy to absorb. I like the combo of video and written content.”

Dr. Sandra

The comradery between the practitioners is encouraging and helpful! Always learning and unlearning and relearning!

Dr. Susan

“I love the simplicity of it. It is great content but it doesn’t feel overwhelming at the same time. I am enjoying the review of content I have based my life in for 12 years.”

Dr. Victoria

“I love that The PompaCore Certification™ Course is very specific and has a logical approach to weight loss, cellular support and detox.”